Duskview City_

The sunset is always on the horizon.Thank you for visiting Duskview City!1 million visits, 1 million stories.The city that never sleeps, and neither will you.I'll take on Rindo! - Lingie 1/20/24Bartending is a performance, so watch it with respect.4/19/23 is the day that changed our lives.Alcohol might not be the answer, but it's worth a shot!

//Monetization Policy


At any point, users who are or are not a part of our supporters (see: Patreon) may choose to crowdfund.

We do not infringe on the right to crowdfund either your own operation for the purpose of payment to us, nor infringe on the right of your choice to receive monetary gains from services rendered.

You may choose to use any of the services provided worldwide, such as:

  • Patreon
  • PayPal
  • CashApp
  • Ko-Fi

Or, if robust enough, you can set up your own payment processing through a service such as:

  • Stripe
  • Bill
  • Square

At no time will we question your own operation, or how you conduct yourself, so as long as it is within the legal bounds of the law, as well as:

Tips / Donations / Freelancing:

If you find yourself wanting to produce art, or find yourself in a position where you are able to and are receiving tips from service rendered, you are fully entitled to that, provided it is not against the law or any services rules.

We accept, and do not infringe on the rights of your own self-employment business practices of the following:

  • Being an art commissioner, producing artwork for groups, "bars," discords, or other services existing in our sphere.
  • Accepting tips for services provided in VRChat, Discord, or other locations existing within our sphere.
  • Acquiring donations through a service such as Throne, Ko-Fi, et al. for services rendered.

Unaccepted Monetary Practices

The following are not accepted for monetization:

  • Using sexual business practices either as a user, or as a group. Prostitution is not legitimate inside of VRChat, and thusly we cannot accept it in our spaces either.
  • The use of any platform that is promoting or standing up for hate speech, racism, sexism, homophobia, or any derogatory means.